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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Clogged Pores - Causes & Treatment

What is Clogged Pores?:-
Clogged pores and large pores ordinarily are not a dangerous medical condition. In this blog I will show you tips on how to get rid of clogged pores by using home remedies and products that doctors have prescribed to treat clogged pores holistically. I will also show you tips on how to unclogged pores, clogged pores can certainly be a nuisance at times. With time, the effects of make-up and dirt, skin secretions, and the work of bacteria on the sebaceous and sweat glands throughout our bodies, pores can become clogged with oils as well as dead and living materials. These clogged pores can become more easily visible and unsightly (particularly on the skin on our faces) when they enlarge, take on colors other than that of our skin, and become deeply pitted.

Clogged pores are caused by natural oils, or sebum, that lubricate the skin and hair. Each hair follicle connects to a sebaceous gland, which produces oils. The oils move up along the hair shaft through the skin layers, according to the Mayo Clinic. The hair follicle opens on the skin surface to form pores. Excess sebum combines with dead skin cells and plugs the hair shaft. The plug makes the shaft bulge, causing a comedone, or a whitehead or blackhead. Whiteheads occur when the pore remains closed, whereas blackheads are created when the pore is open to the air. The color of blackheads is caused by melanin, a skin pigment, in the clogged pore. Melanin oxidizes in the air and turns dark. Bacteria may also be found in the clogged pores, causing other types of blemishes such as papules and pustules, which are red and tender bumps. Big pores can be combated with a good skin care regimen or a trip to a dermatologist.

Watch this interview about Clogged Pores.....

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Type Of Clogged Pores:-

Basic acne lesions are called microcomedones, which occur when hair follicles become blocked with oil and bacteria starts growing. These lesions are referred to as microcomedones because they are invisible to the naked eye.
Microcomedones transition into non-inflamed blemishes known as comedones. When oil and bacteria stay trapped below the surface of the skin, they are called closed comedones or whiteheads, which are often invisible but may appear as small white spots. Whiteheads may ultimately release oil and bacteria to the surface of the skin and heal on their own or they may cause the follicle wall to rupture and result in inflammatory acne. 
Blackheads are much like whiteheads in that they are the result of oil and bacteria trapped beneath the skin. Blackheads are simply former whiteheads that have reached the open surface, oxidized and turned a brownish black color in the process. Blackheads may last a long time because the oil and bacteria within them drain slowly to the surface of the skin.

Papules and Pustules
If the follicle wall of a blackhead or whitehead ruptures--sometimes due to a person picking at his blemishes but sometimes at random--white blood cells flood in for healing and cause the pore to become inflamed, according to This event marks the formation of a papule. When those white blood cells eventually work up toward the skin’s surface and become visible, they form what is known a pustule, also called a pimple or a zit.
Nodules and Cysts
A very deep blockage of a follicle can cause extreme inflammation and result in the most severe form of acne, lesions known as nodules and cysts, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Nodules and cysts are similar in that they are large and painful, but they differ in that nodules are hard bumps that form deep beneath the surface of the skin and cysts are pus-filled lesions that have the potential to scar, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Symptoms of Clogged Pores:-
Clogged pores occur when a hair follicle or gland becomes clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This is a problem that can affect people of all ages but it is more likely to be found in teenagers and young adults. Making the identification of this problem is extremely important so that it can be cured quickly. If clogged pores are allowed to linger without treatment they can lead to acne or infections that can occur deep under the skin. However, identifying this problem is relatively easy because there are some subtle clues.
Clogged Pored Info - Image

Pimples are one of the most recognizable signs that you have clogged pores. Pimples are caused when the sebaceous glands become clogged with dried oil and dead skin cells. These pimples can be few in nature or can encompass the entire face, chest or back. If the pimple is not treated with some type of antibacterial treatment it can become infected and will lead to more serious problems such as infected acne cysts and abscesses. To prevent this side effect it is essential to wash your skin very well and keep it as clean as possible. Fortunately, there are many over the counter treatments as well as prescribed treatments if your problem is severe.

Whiteheads can be another sign that you have clogged pores. A whitehead is a semisolid white plug that develops in a pore. According to the University of Maryland, whiteheads are caused when there is a complete blockage of the hair follicle. A more serious problem with whiteheads can develop when the whitehead is not treated and becomes infected. This infection can worsen and become deep seeded leading to acne cysts that need treatment by a physician. One thing you should avoid at all costs in pinching your skin when you have a whitehead because this can lead to scarring of the skin. Instead, try using a very warm washcloth to hold it against the skin until the blemish pops out.

Blackheads are another visual sign that you have a blocked pore. According to the University of Maryland, blackheads are caused by an incomplete blockage of hair follicles. They have a black appearance because of their exposure to air. It is not due to the common belief that dirt has gotten into the pore. According to the University of Washington, blackheads can worsen and bacteria can form causing more serious problems to develop deeper in the skin. This can lead to nodules or cysts to form which are painful and more difficult to heal. If the blackheads do worsen into cysts or nodules you may need to see a physician for medical treatment because oral medication may be needed to heal the problem.

What Causes Clogged Pores:-
Dirt does not cause clogged pores. Rather, excessive scrubbing and harsh soaps can irritate the skin and exacerbate acne. Changes in hormones, such as during puberty, skin contact with greasy or oily products, family history of acne and certain cosmetics and medications can cause clogged pores as well.

The places on your face that usually suffer the most will be the chin, the cheekbones and the forehead. A typical reason an individual could be suffering from clogged pores on their face is from irregular or improper cleansing. You should be washing your face once in the morning and once before bed. Throughout the day, oily skin is a magnet for dust, dirt and grime. The stuff literally sticks to it from out of the atmosphere. By washing your face twice a day, you could be helping towards staving off spots.
A word of warning though, don't over wash, your skin will fight back if all the oil has been removed, it will create even more to compensate.
Cheap brand make up is another culprit, full of chemicals that can stick to your skin and sink into the pores, clogging them up and causing the right conditions for spots. Switch to water based make up where ever possible. Never ever go to bed at night without having first removed your make up.

Treatment of Clogged Pores:-
Over-the-counter or prescription products treat clogged pores by reducing sebum production and controlling inflammation. Preparations may be taken orally or applied directly to the skin. The Mayo Clinic warns that prescription medications may cause acne to worsen before it improves. Skin usually improves within two months.
Using a good quality skin exfoliate every few days and a good face mask once a week can help remove any build up of dead unmoved skin cells.
Daily skin care is tricky business. The best approach depends on your skin type. Here are some tips to keep skin free from blemishes.
  • Use a product for your skin type. For example, if you tend to have oily skin, use a cleanser for this type. If this product irritates your skin, try something for normal skin. Finding just the right cleanser will be a process of trial and error
  • Men should use a single-bladed razor, shaving cream, and toner. When shaving, move in the direction of the hair growth to avoid damaging skin cells
  • Do not use products that irritate skin and enhance clogging, such as greasy cosmetics or sunscreens. If your makeup causes pimples, it is too oily and may lead to clogged pores
  • Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells. Eliminating loose cells can help reduce the clogging
  • Moisturize regularly to keep skin soft. As with cleansers, use a product designed for your skin type. If the lotion causes pimples, try something for sensitive skin
  • Do not pick at blackheads or clogged pores. This will damage the skin and may cause enlargement of pores or scarring. Large pores will clog more often
  • See a dermatologist if you have chronic infections, excessive blemishes, or acne problems. Skin infections can be difficult to treat without prescription medication. If bacteria are left unchecked, they spread and can cause clogging in the surrounding pores.
Medication for Clogged Pores:- 
Over the counter preparations containing low dosages of the following medications all work well for mild cases of acne, 1) Benzoyl Peroxide, 2) Glycolic Acid, 3) Beta Hydroxy Acids.

- Benzoyl Peroxide - is very common in many over the counter acne treatments. It works well because it has antiseptic properties that will kill the bacteria causing acne and reduce inflammation of blemishes as well.  However, benzoyl peroxide is not the best ingredient for removing black heads and oil plugs.
- Glycolic Acid – this can be found in creams and lotions. It is an alpha hydroxyl produced from the sugar cane plant. In addition to topical skin care products, this water soluble fruit acid is used as a chemical peel agent for in office skin treatments. It is effective in unclogging and preventing blocked pores as it removes the excess of dead skin cells from the surface of the skin that extend into the areas of the oil gland openings.
- Beta Hydroxy Acids – salicylic acid. Like glycolic acid, salicylic acid is used as a chemical peel. The main difference is that salicylic acid is oil soluble and causes superficial desquamation or shedding of cells. This makes it possible for it to penetrate the sebum in the pores to help remove blockages and blackheads.
Which brings us to the best medications for black heads and clogged pores; this group of medications is referred to as “topical retinoids”.  At this time, in the USA, they all require a prescription in order to be able to use them. Tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene are currently available in a variety of concentration and vehicles such as creams or gels.  Medications with these ingredients are superior to all of the over the counter acne products when it comes to unplugging the pores and removing blackheads, and whiteheads.

Medicines can help manage the severity and frequency of acne outbreaks. A number of medicines are available. Your treatment will depend on the type of acne you have (pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or cystic lesions). These medicines improve acne by:

  • Killing bacteria (antibiotics).
  • Reducing the amount of skin oil (isotretinoin).
  • Reducing the effects of hormones in producing acne (certain oral contraceptive pills for women).
  • Unplugging skin pores and stopping them from getting plugged with oil (tretinoin, which is sold as Retin-A).

The best treatment for acne often is a combination of medicines. These could include medicine that you put on your skin (topical) and medicine that you take by mouth (oral). Or you may take medicines such as clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide, a gel that contains 2 topical medicines.

Clogged pores nose, comedones commonly occur on the nose and chin because the pores in these areas tend to be larger and therefore more easily clogged. Comedones can usually be treated with home remedies, clogged pores nose should be treated with a gentle cleanser as well as products that help to unclog them such as using oil-free moisturizer or sunscreen.

It would be a great investment for you to purchase this book "Acne No More" or "Skin Whitening Forever", these product offers a  wealth of knowledge on a variety of treatment for clogged pores. Adult and teens are encountering problem with clogged pores (acne), some of them getting very  frustrated and depress from the symptom of clogged pores. 

A purchase of this product "Acne No More" or "Skin Whitening Forever" will  educate you on how to treat, cure and prevent these blocked pores from re-occurring. Clogged pores can look so horrible, from big bumps to horrible spots on your face and body. Make the decision now and try this product today.


Click on the link above and I will show you simple procedures you can follow at home that will have an immediate and positive effect on Clogged Pores. These home remedies are said the be the best treatment for acne (clogged pores) at the moment.

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to stop "Clogged Pores".



Our readers offer information and opinions on Clogged Pores Info, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

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